- Choose what to cook from a selection of recipes
- Decide if we need any extra ingredients (that aren’t in the store cupboard)
- if yes – see ‘Shopping’
- Head to the kitchen
- Thoroughly wash and dry hands
- Put on Aprons
- Ensure all the kitchen surfaces are clean and dry before we start
- Collect together all the ingredients and cooking utensils that we will need
- Follow recipe step by step ensuring we follow food hygiene guidelines along the way
- Wash and dry dishes
- Clean kitchen
- If taking home, package up meal in appropriate containers
- Write out our shopping list
- Decide whether to go to the shops or whether to order our shopping online
- If going to the shops, decide how we are going to get there – are we going to walk, or take the bus
- If taking the bus, check the timetable and decide which bus we want to get
- When ready to leave, gather shopping bags, money, take bus passes (if appropriate), put on coats, hats, gloves as appropriate for weather conditions
- Once arrived at the shop, follow the list and collect together all the items we want
- When ready, head to the till, scan items, count out money needed and pay self-scan till or cashier as appropriate
- If travelling by bus, find correct one, if walking, head back to Lochvale

Choose a sport or activity to take part in
To develop and improve hand/eye co-ordination
To encourage team play and co-operation with others
To promote mental health and wellbeing
To improve physical health and fitness
To encourage social interaction
To promote patience and turn-taking
To help improve spatial awareness

To choose an organised walk to join or decide on our own route
To develop awareness of surroundings
To develop awareness of traffic danger and practice safe road crossing
To develop awareness of ‘stranger danger’
To promote physical health and wellbeing
To improve fitness levels
To promote mental health and wellbeing
To enjoy social interaction with others
To appreciate nature around us
To learn about and enjoy seasonal foraging for fruit such as blackberries leading to making jam or crumbles in our cooking
To choose an art or craft to create
To encourage focus on creating something from start to finish
To develop imagination
To develop hand/eye co-ordination
To promote relaxation whilst doing something without television/iPad/consoles
To develop and encourage own ideas and creativity